A couple of folks here posted a site where GPL could be purchased online for
something like $10-15. Thought I bookmarked it, but guess not! Can somebody
give me a link there or somewhere? Thanks!
I ordered mine at www.dragon.ca for $15 us +shipping, totalling about $19.
Haven't got it yet, but I only ordered it a few days ago.
Good luck!
> Todd
the shipping cost seems a bit steep here.. but then again the exchange rate may
have changed a little.. anyway, small price for a great sim I guess. I can't wait
to find out what all the fuss is about!
> Todd
Ouch. Should have asked a couple of days ago. www.compuexpert.com
was selling it for $7 I believe. After all the great things
I heard it, I figured it was worth that much just to try it so
I went ahead and ordered it.
Still, I think their regular price is something like $14 so you
might want to check them out.