previous post about the annoying inconsistency/skill level/speed of the AI
from one track to the next. It is bad enough that it basically renders the
career mode useless. You can already predict what will happen at 75% of the
tracks before you even get there.
The test:
Jump in the truck; change to the default race set-up; drive a few dozen laps
in practise mode. First time in a truck at these tracks (although I
certainly know my way around them after all these years). First time
driving them in NSR. Record results.
Atlanta: top 2
Bristol: top 3
Darlington: dead last
Dover: 1st
Homestead: dead last
IRP: close to back of pack
Kansas: dead last
Las Vegas: 1st
Lowes: 1st
Marty: dead last
Michigan: back of pack
Milwaukee: top 5
New Hampshire: 1st
Phoenix: dead last
Richmond: dead last
Texas: close to back of pack
The reason this is wacky is many-fold:
1) I shouldn't be able to get in an unfamiliar race "vehicle" and beat the
AI at 100% in the first laps I have ever driven at that track.
2) You would think that very similar tracks might yield similar results--no
(see: LV vs. Kansas; Texas vs. Atlanta).
3) Some tracks are obviously harder than others--but my results don't
correlate to the accepted wisdom about which tracks are difficult.
4) Too many of the results are black and white (either significantly slower
than the slowest AI or significantly faster than the fastest AI)--career
mode is useless when this happens for no apparent reason.
The exact behaviour could be found in NT2004 and NR2003, so this is nothing
new. However, they didn't purport to have career modes.
I'd love feedback from other experienced racers whether you find the AI fast
and slow where I did. I also assume some variant of this will apply to the
other two series, but I haven't tested them yet.
-- Your mouse has moved. Windows must be restarted for the change
Marc Collins
to take effect. Reboot now?