I think the only way to keep the spoilers out would require some sort of
online software implementation that works in a similar way to a private
club, but works for all servers who enable this and not just for
individual leagues.
I'm not sure how the software would need to go about doing this, but
what I basically mean is that every ligitimate user will have a login
name (this name can be specified by the nominee) and password that works
on all servers that use this system and, in order to receive a login
name and password, you need to have at least 2 current members put you
Seeing as there is a decent enough sized community of well-behaved
racers found here on ras the initial club could be started from those
here, as plenty of guys here race most sims, and then new members could
then be added as time goes by.
Obviously this would require a list to be maintained in someway that is
available on the net by all servers that choose to use it which would
require some dedication from one or two peoples part but, if someone who
gets on the list turns out to be not suitable, then they can be
summarily removed from the list which would invalidate their ability to
log on. And also, to prevent current members from just nominating any
old so-and-so a black mark could be put against the current members who
nominated the guy in the first place and, if someone else that they put
forward also turns out to be iffy, then some sort of punishment for the
member could be initiated (a temporary ban for instance).
I know this all sounds slighly complicated, and I'm not sure if it could
be done for those titles that already exist, but if some of the forward
thinking software writers could implement it during program creation
then we could be on to a good-sized community of fair-minded racers who
don't all want to just league race.
Finally, if someone wants to have their server open to all then this
should also still be available.
So, how feasible is this?
Hope this made sense. :)
Peter Ives
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