>> (You'd just need to pick up an old $ 50 Mac and a G3 cpu-card ;)
> How much would that card be? I have a Powermac 7100 at home.
Well although OS X runs on old(er) hardware that doesn't quite include
machines which could go right into my computer antiques collection ;)
It's got to be a PCI Mac, I'm afraid. A G3 card, well, I once picked
up one for about $ 10, but in the US something like $ 30 - $ 90 would
probably be more common, depending on the model.
(Although it runs fine, it's got only one big drawback: no GPL... 8(
That's why i had to buy this Repentium machine <sigh> otherwise I
wouldn't go near these things.. Well, maybe if they ran Linux or
NeXTStep. Which reminds me, if you can get an old copy of THAT for the
pc, you actually have the precursor of MacOS X.)
Into the trout-free zone (nyah! ;)
Regards, Rudy
(GPLRank -10)