to use VROC to run GPL on-line <;.
1) You must have Netscape set to accept cookies and allow java to run.
2) Your VROC setup must show the exact location of your GPL directory
and gping.exe must exist in your GPL directory.
3) Make sure that you have granted Alison Hine permission to execute
programs on your machine via java (gping.exe and gpl.exe). VROC also
need permission to read/write a new address.ini file (it does make a
backup called address.vro).
In Netscape:
Show Security Info (CTRL-SHIFT-I), click on Java/Java Script.
If you do not see Alison Hine listed in the box, you need to run through
the process of setting up VROC and when prompted, grant permission.
If you do see Alison Hine listed, click on her name and then click Edit
Privileges. If there are any entries in the For This Session Only
or the Never area, delete these entries.
4) Never see a race to "join"? You must manually refresh the updates by
clicking on Refresh on the VROC page.
5) If GPL crashes while on-line, you may end up with leftover copy of
the address.vro file. This file should be a backup of your address.ini
file. Open it in a text editor/viewer to insure that address.vro is
indeed contain your address book. If it does, copy it to address.ini
and then delete address.vro.
See you on the track....
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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