> How sticky is it? from watching clips of riverside everyting I have
> seen made it look basicaly like a dirt road(IE packed but with plenty
> of dust to***of thoe behind you while you might lose 2/10th of a
> lap)
It looks like dirt, but don't let that fool ya. It's sand all of the
way. Sticky, horrible sand. It's bad enough to take me at /least/ 10-20
seconds just getting out of the stuff. It's one of them deals where you
have to run the engine up to 9000 RPM's just to get going, then shift up
to second to get a little forward speed. Then rinse and repeat every
time you go to the beach. But the track is like, well, a track. I
haven't noticed any dust clouds to obscure my vision in the sim.
As for just getting two tires down there, it'll bog you down big time.
The car will want to slow down while you're cranking the wheel hard
right to just get out of it. Fun fun fun!
I can understand the reasoning for having sand, though, for driver
safety. But it's still a big pain in the ass. :)