Win95 joystick panel has a max limit to the mid-range value of the control
during calibration. Meaning if your mid-range value is above this limit the
mid range will be written to the windows registry as this artificial value.
It is then possible to have your min-range value be higher than the mid-range.
Needless to say, this screws up the calibration and gameplay. The ProPanel
writes the actual values to the windows registry that are being outputted by
the control.
And there are those nifty utilities....
>% I just d/l'd the ProPanel from TM last night and I can't see that it
>% is any different from the regular control panel in its functionality,
>% though it does look better. Does anyone know if this panel replaces
>% any drivers or makes other changes to the OS to give better
>% performance (stability)?
>I can't vouch for this against the DirectX 5 control panel, but I do
>know that the calibration routines are better than the standard joystick
>applet with Win95.