I am always hearing about people having trouble's running SVGA with a
low mhz cpu. It makes me wonder where you people are buying your
sytems. I just bought a P166 with 32 MB RAM, and now I can't complain
at all, but I used to own a P75 with 8 MB RAM, and it ran Nascar fine
in SVGA with objects on, car detail on, wall texture on, smoke/dirt
on, and skids on.
I ran GP2 in SVGA on the same system with curbs on, and track side
objects on, and it ran great unless I came up on 2 cars in a chicane.
It would really slow down then.
So unless you have a 486/DX2/66 processor or lower, you sim's should
run great with most options off.
Even on my new system all options on can slow things down, especially
iin Nascar since thier 3D engine isnt quite up to par with GP's.
The only thing that slows me down now in GP2 are too many options on,
and the worst of all being smoke from skiding out.