While watching the last few WC races on TV, I realized how much those
guys signal each other using hand gestures (non ***!) for
instruction on which side to pass on, etc. I know we have chat
functions, but chat messages can originate from ANY car on the track
(on Hawaii, NRO) and when you're bearing down on somebody from behind,
you're hardly sitting there reading chat messages. Wouldn't it be nice
to have a special, non-textual method of signalling just the car behind
you? Obviously the sim knows which cars are in front of and behind you,
with one keystroke you could send a graphical signal to the car behind
you telling him which side to pass on. The driver behind would instantly
know it was the car in front of him sending the signal, since it was
other than a chat message. Maybe it could be just a large arrow on one
side of the screen or the other. Think about how many collisions this
would prevent while allowing the sim to approach even more closely the
realism of NASCAR racing.
Just a thought..
===--- Patrick O'Neal (PatrickO on Hawaii) ---===
===------- Shamrock Racing Enterprises -------===
===-- (Remove NOSPAM from my reply address) --===