uttered these pearls of wisdom:
>>...Any Quake players can
>>assure you that high frame rate is the key to multiplayer actions.
>Damn good point! The computer isn't going to razz you for bagging
>your ass. For multiplayer games, players are going to go for any
>speed advantage they can get. If there is even a hint of 'lag' to a
>3d accelerated version, the ***-types will switch to low-res with
>all the toys turned off. After all, your graphics adapter isn't
>visible on the scoreboard:).
>Jus' my $.02.
GLQuake then I do at 320 X 200 in WinQuake / DOSQuake. Why? Well, it
sure helps out when I'm sniping, that's for sure (especially when I'm
playing the Sniper in TeamFortress).
Also, as they're fond of saying in Flight Sims (which I-76 has more in
common with then Quake), "He who gets first sight, gets first kill."
Now, if I'm playing multiplayer the 3D version of I-76 at 640 X 480
(or above!), and I'm facing an either a opponent or group of opponents
who are playing "standard" I-76 at 320 X 200 to get a descent
framerate... who do you think will get first sight?
"Only the crazies hang around nursery."
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