rfactor cars similar to iRacing?

Don Schwartz J

rfactor cars similar to iRacing?

by Don Schwartz J » Tue, 15 Jul 2008 09:02:25

What cars could I use in rfactor to simulate the Solstice and Skippy in
iRacing? I've never done much road racing and would like to do some practice
so when I get an invite for iRacing I can run the RC when the ovals aren't
running. I had back surgery this summer and won't be back to work for at
least another month so I have time available to practice. I want to develop
a little skill before I get on so I don't cause problems for others.

rfactor cars similar to iRacing?

by mcewen » Tue, 15 Jul 2008 23:13:29

The F-BMW single seaters (NOT the F1 BMW), or the trainers that come
with rfactor would offer a good introduction to open wheelers.
Neither has the exact power/weight ratio as the Skippies but they'll
stand you in good stead for learning the lines of LRP and Summit

There's a Miata mod that's probably the closest low hp rwd open top
car to the Slowstice but it's not the best mod rfactor has to offer.

On Jul 13, 8:02?pm, "Don Schwartz Jr"

> What cars could I use in rfactor to simulate the Solstice and Skippy in
> iRacing? I've never done much road racing and would like to do some practice
> so when I get an invite for iRacing I can run the RC when the ovals aren't
> running. I had back surgery this summer and won't be back to work for at
> least another month so I have time available to practice. I want to develop
> a little skill before I get on so I don't cause problems for others.
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