>I agree completely. I logged on for the first time last night, and found
>only 5% races, I was dissapointed. I found that my best setups were geared
>toward longer (50%+) races and I did poorly in the "sprints" as a result.
>From their conversations I gathered most of these guys are running what I
>would consider "qualify" setups.
>Now I'm not that _great_ in the first place, but I would definitely
>ratherrun one long pickup race, that a lot of short ones. As I get more
>comforatble with the system, (and the tracks) I plan the initiate long
>pickup races.
Join a league, it's the only way to go. You race with the same drivers, get
to know each other, and learn to drive door-to-door. It's an incredible
experience to drive around Martinsville in a pack of cars, two-wide, lap
after lap and nobody wrecks. The only way that works is for everyone to be
able to hold their line and for everyone to trust that the other driver
will hold the line. And when it does, it's a beautiful thing!
Dave "davids" Sparks
Sequoia Motorsports