Back from the race at Misano (Italy) this week-end.
New beta of the mercedes truck sim on display, graphic engine quite okay,
physics engine VERY good (all the drivers tried it and said it is really
like the real thing), they still have to work on the FPS because right now
you need a P3 600 with 128 Megs and 32Megs video TNT2 to have it run,
release date is expected to be around september....
The only avaliable track was nurburgring and the only view is the "outside"
viw (without the truc, like a front bumper view but much higher, about like
what the driver sees....
Quite fun even though you don't have a great speed impression, but in real
life it is like that also.
They should be in Austria (A Ring) in 2 weeks and in Nurburg around the 10th
of july for the complete week-end.