updated so that I, my friends, and countless others, can use our 1.2 replays
with it. And yes, I saw the other thread, and no, I don't know a thing about
"hex editing". I would just like to see the program updated to allow 1.2
replays and made as user friendly as the last version was. Nothing new or
fancy needed, just compatability with the 1.2 patch.
GPLDump is such an under-rated utility. I speak on behalf of myself and
several other friends who use (used) this program heavily as a source of
valuable information, and we miss it's use more than Juha realizes. Please
Juha, please tear yourself away from Baldur's Gate long enough to make
GPLdump useable with 1.2 replays. Please, please, please!!! (...how
embarrassing..... I seem to be begging on my knees here, buddy....)
Anxiously awaiting the update, along with many, many others,
Burke Wells