I've been having problems in finishing races because I tend to destroy my
Ferrari's engine. I suspect that this is because I keep the throttle to the
floor when upshifting (I think this is called slamshifting?). The reason I
do this is that it seems to help when I'm trying for a super-fast lap, but I
suspect it's causing me to over-rev at every upshift and hence damage the
engine in longer races.
Alternatively, I might just be changing up too late - I tend to rev the
engine *just* into the red zone on the dial [the dash is from the GPLEA
Ferrari I think]. Would changing earlier help? Or would that just slow me
Or maybe it's the oil temperature - if I go into F10 view then I can see the
O.T. rising to over 200 degrees sometimes. Is this OK? Seems kinda warm to
So, I don't know exactly what the cause is, but I'd appreciate your thoughts
as to how I can look after my engine better without losing too much of the
extra speed I [currently] gain by thrashing it?
Thanks in advance,