Not looking all that great IMO.
Sega Rally 2 in arcades...6 & 1/2 years ago...looked much better than Sega
Rally 2005 overall. Again, IMO. how can Sega go BACKWARDS ???? ok maybe
I shouldn't say that until the game is out, but you know what they say about
first impressions....
GameSpot's Hands-On:
TOKYO--One of the many games that we had to wait in line to get close to at
the Tokyo Game show today was the previously unannounced Sega Rally 2005 for
the PlayStation 2. The game looked quite impressive up on the big screen
that we were watching as we edged closer to the row of bucket seats with GT
Force wheels set up in front of them, but looks can be deceptive.
The demo version of Sega Rally 2005 that was on display featured two cars
(the requisite Subaru Impreza and a Citroen Xsara), and two rallies
comprising four stages each. The rally we opted for, which we suspect was
put together specifically to show of different stages in a short space of
time at the show, started out in the Japanese mountains, and then took us
through European forests and villages en route to a desert stage from the
original Sega Rally. The odd thing was that none of the various road
surfaces felt very different, stranger still was the fact that our Impreza's
tires seemed to be stuck to the road--the car cornered like it was on rails
which, if you've ever played a rally game of any description or even watched
the sport on TV, you'll know is about as far from the real thing as you
could get.
The game objectives had very little in common with the sport of rally
driving as well. Our goal, as we raced through the four different stages
hitting checkpoints before the timer ran out, was to work our way up from
15th position to first place by overtaking a number of much slower rally
cars en route to the finish. At the start of each stage, we retained the
position we'd earned in the previous one, and invariably had no problem
passing at least three uncharacteristically slow cars per stage, including a
Toyota Celica and the classic Lancia Stratos.
No release date for Sega Rally 2005 has been announced at this time and, to
be perfectly honest, we're hoping that it still has plenty of time in
development to look forward to .Visually, the game could easily have passed
for finished product, but on this occasion we left the Sega booth feeling a
little disappointed.