I bought a Logitech Formula wheel (no feedback) for $54 at some shopping
site, to replace my TSW. I love the wheel. I especially like the paddle
shifters, and the programmable buttons on the wheel. I don't have to take
my hands off the wheel to hit F1, or F2 or all those other F keys now.
The pedals do take some time to get used to.
Sean Higgins
Proud Member of Beaver Creek Racing
Redline Racing League www.rrlnrs.com
CNSRL www.cnsrl.com
http://home.sprintmail.com/~higgy/hsts2/ HSTS, Powered by ATI Rage 128
http://www.atitech.ca ATI Technologies
>Right now I'm using a TM Nascar Pro, but the fact that the pot gives out
>much, and the pedals have problems, I'm looking to buy a new one. I was
>wondering what is the best in the $100-$175 range? I was thinking
>Formula Force wheel, but I don't know what to buy. Force feedback isn't a
>must, but it would be nice to have. Any suggestions?
>-The Dude?
>Check out The Dude's radio show on 90.9 FM Indianapolis, B91.
>Goodbye Greg, you will be missed.
>Greg Moore, #99 forever.