You know, I remember back in 1989, as a fresh faced lad of 19 I bought his
book entitled "Di*netics". It was the paperback version that was available
in finer gas stations all across my neck of the woods. Engrossed, I pored
over that book, slowly learning how I needed to become a "clear" to ever
reach my full potential. Then I got to the back, and noticed the phone line
they had open that accepted credit cards. That's pretty much where me and
Sci*nt*l*gy parted ways for good.
Here's one for ya..
I gotta *** here that accepts credit cards too ! But only if it's in
the shape of your tongue , Mr. Telephone-operator-Credit-card-acceptin'
Scient*l*gist ! Not interested, you say ?!? Well, then, tell those money
hungry fanatics over at TBN (that's trinity broadcasting network for the
uninformed) the offer stands good for them too !!! That's right, tell 'em to
come*** my ass!! For free !!
Here is one thing I have learned in my short 32 years on this marvelous
planet; if a smooth talker with all the answers suddenly appears out of
nowhere, and wants to give you all the answers, you had better keep one hand
on your wallet and one eye on him. And if that mother ***er happens to be
in a the pulpit of a church, better keep both hands on the wallet and your
eye you aint watching him with on your wife.
Thank you Goy, for sending me into a rant against the evils of organized
religion. See, my dad was a preacher.....