seems to run OK OC'd to 2200 MHz, so that's good. Had to get a new
mobo since old one didn't support the Sempron. New board has 8X agp
so that's also good. Picked up a Radeon 9550 too. Still running DDR
2700 memory though, so that needs to be replaced soon.
F1 2002 looks great maxed out. It's always nice to be able to turn on
all the detail for the first time. Haven't been able to fire up
rFactor yet since my Win 98 installation is hosed at the moment. Win
XP installed on a second HD is running fine.
On the Win 98 issue... Before installing the new Radeon, I removed
all the old video card drivers. Seems to also have removed the
standard display adapters from Win 98 as well. The new Radeon driver
won't install unless there is already a standard VGA or SVGA adapter
installed. On top of that, my Win 98 SE CD is missing, so I can't
re-install. Can the Win 98 standard display drivers be found online
Pat Dotson
> Pat,
> not long ago, Was a discussion replying to me, one similiar question
> about 4x vs 8x AGP's and stuff, consensus of the article they linked me to
> was that there was 3-6% difference in perfomance from same motherboard that
> could be set to 4x, & also set to 8x agp... I think it was a tiny bit
> older cards, newer ones might be slowly putting 8x "demands" on AGP but
> prolly not all the time.
> Pat Dotson enlightened us with:
> > Thanks for the replies everyone! I'm going to pick up an Athlon 2400+
> > and a Radeon 9600. My motherboard will support that CPU, so it will
> > be a fairly cheap upgrade. Unfortunately, the mobo only does 4X AGP.
> > I currently have 256 Mb DDR memory. Hope that isn't a limitation.
> > Another 128 Mb is only $30 though.
> > Rfactor looks great. When it is supposed to be released?
> >> Hi Pat -
> >> A GeForce 4 MX 440 is really a GeForce 2-level chip. Almost any
> >> video card you would buy today for $50 or more (like a Radeon 9600)
> >> would be miles better, and that alone would make a big improvement
> >> in your game (until the next big thing, of course).
> >> joe
> >> image space