> Weather looks good - again. cars
>***pits look ***again
Hm. I prefer the GP3***pit to the F1 2001***pit, even if it's not
fully realistic. I seriously wonder if ISI spent all their time on
the Ferrari***pit and then just threw together whatever they had for
everything else. The Williams***pit makes me feel like I'm playing
Pole Position 2001, if Pole Position 2001 had been released in 1997
for a Voodoo Banshee.
Hm. Modern F1 cars driving on the ultra smooth tracks of today pretty
much look like they're driving on rails. With all of the steering
assistance and aids off I never really experienced the 'driving on
rails' feeling most people attributed to GP3. It's really tough to
call tho since F1 2001 is likely a more refined physics engine running
on unrealistically bumpy tracks and GP3/4 is a less refined (not that
we know anything about GP4's physics) physics engine driving on more
realistic, smooth tracks. I'm sure if you took a GP3 car and stuck it
on an F1 2001 track, it would be bouncing wildly all over the place.
Likewise, I don't think F1 2001 cars would be nearly as much of a
handful on realistically smooth tracks.
Geez. I'm not going to say you're wrong, but that's only because I
(and no one outside the beta testers) have no idea one way or the
other. At least pretend you're not biased until after the game comes
out so your arguments are more convincing.
Hm. From what I can tell, adding real Direct3D support (Hardware T&L,
Antialising, etc), creating realistic tracks using GPS, and updating
the physics model (per Gamespot - again, I have no idea, but at least
the different car makes are different now). The irony is that it
sounds like they've done as much work as Papyrus did between Nascar 4
and 2002 and yet they're getting praised left and right. Then again
everyone criticized N2002 before it came out so we'll have to see.
My money is on...well, honestly, I have no idea. Should be an
interesting summer with GP4/F1-2002 regardless of which is better.
I'm sure they'll continue to share the same basic flaws. Something
tells me GP4 will raise the bar further than F1-2002 does, but who
Now if Sierra/Papy would just get some friggen FIA licensing we could
see what these cars/tracks really drive like, and end the arguments
once and for all. =)