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Don't laugh too hard.
Before the first race of his career in Melbourne a couple of years ago, I
had the privilege of spending a day in the Arrows pits speaking to Pedro de
la Rosa (among others). My friend commented to him that he had read in the
papers that Pedro had been using Sony Playstation to learn the track. Pedro
stated no he hadn't. In fact he had the disc, but his brother had taken his
He then asked if we knew where to get him one. Picked one up for him, which
he had a play on that night. Speaking to him after he had played it, he then
stated that the game play was not even close to realistic, but he said that
it was really helpful in learning the track.
Now is it a coincidence that he came in 6th in that race - his first and
only points so far in his carreer.
If it worked for PdlR, why not Montoya also?
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