Delight Racing(GDR), which I own, GDR will still exist but just not at
it's current location,
which is at: to form
Nascar United.
Nascar United is a group of people integrating their websites into one
Nascar Racing SuperSite. We do not take your site from you, instead, you
keep your site on your own server and we use your expertise, skills,
knowledge, and time and you donate it to Nascar United. We accept what
you donate to us, we do NOT take anything from you. We use the resources
you give us from your website and place them on Nascar United. We work
as a team, not individually. If you wanna join Nascar United please go
United Join Page. I will be also Co-Webmaster of Nascar United as well
as still managing GDR.
The merger will take place in just a few days time.
Dwayne W.
Nascar United - Co-Webmaster