Why do the people here seem to think this is MY website? It's not mine.
I'm just a racing fan. Geez, if people want to make SUCH a big deal out of
everything go ahead. This ain't my website. Don't even try to put no
lawsuit on my ass. All i was doing was spreading the word. But if you all
feel like making some people have a bad day...do it then. Some people just
seem to GET OFF on getting people in trouble. No, i didn't know this was
some stupid copyright infringement or whatever. I'm sorry that it is. Just
don't look at me, i'm a victim of circumstance.
Paranoid Eyes
"And everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the
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>P.S. Sorry about all the !'s
>Paranoid Eyes
>"And everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the