I am changing my hotmail accounts almost every month now... since that is
what I use for ANYTHING that goes in a form field online. I must change them
so much (and it gets REALLY confusing) because I use up my 250-limit block
up in that time... which means that email addy has expired.
I often wondered if this invasion of privacy could be considered
trespassing, since the entry into MY property was unwelcomed and forced
upon. Could the laws of "self defense" be applied? Could the self-defense
idealism not also be automatically applied to any action taken against
another party who trespassed on your property? Would any reaction you take,
solicit, arrange not be considered legal if we were to split hairs?
It bugs me so much, that I thought of a way to make sure spammers do not get
I say "Fight fire with 100 flame throwers"
I thought about an automated system that had a number of email addresses on
a number of boxes worldwide (this would be a community thing of course...)
Any mail that hit those boxes... would be reported to the central system...
which would direct more donated servers to attack that originating
mail-server. I mean attack it from all sides, and continue in persistence
with the attacks. I'm talking DOS attacks, PING attacks, everything under
the sun to overload that box from all flanks so that it cannot send out
anymore spam. Knock it down... and make sure it can't get back up. Claim
self-defense by virtue of trespassing in court... and move on...
I bet you will find a LOT more email servers setup with greater care as to
not allow Relaying Mail for outside and unauthorized users. Make it so that
the ISP/Carriers are a LOT more weary about doing those famous "back-door
deals" with the spammers (since their servers would be attacked, and would
severely clog up their network as a whole), and basically make it VERY hard
for a spammer to even get off the ground.
Some will say "why attack me, my server was compromised and used for their
purpose... not mine..." I say "TFB... if you wanna play on the Net... be
knowledgeable and setup your servers properly, or have someone knowledgeable
do it for you if its that important to you..." The same mentality applies to
so many other felonies, etc. You hit a guy by accident, but you were
speeding. You get charged with vehicular manslaughter, regardless of your
intent... you are responsible for your actions, your property, etc. Any
misuse is YOUR responsibility. Why can this not be applied to ***space
Anyways... that's my 10 cents on the topic of great angst for me.