That is something I think we need more research on. There are plenty
of sites out there that tell you how to improve your dload speeds. But
"we" don't need that. We need better online ***. I have messed with
my cable modem til I'm blue in the face and 'most' of the speed fixes
don't do squat for improving online stability, or playability.
We need to get all those radio stations off the net, all those chat
room sex fiends, all those researchers and college types, just give us
the whole damn web and make sure everyone else goes home.
dave henrie
> Can any of you TCP/IP (internet ***) gurus tell me what would be an ideal
> "TCPrecwindow" size for a low latency DSL connect would be? I was told that
> 32K (vs Win98 default of 8k) would increase bandwidth, but I don't want to
> adversly affect latency. I would much prefer less bandwidth in trade for
> lower/more stable lats.
> regards
> Mitch Alatorre