>>Well, two things for me are hard to believe. First, that you'd post
>>this to such a newsgroup as this.
>Yep - as I said elsewhere after I (stupidly) got involved, the place
>for petty political argument isn't in ras - it's in rasf1.
>> And second, that you are unaware
>>that racing car simulator drives as a group do not vote in
>>presidential elections.
>Especially if they live in countries that don't *have* a president...
>>But if we did, and some of us do, we'd vote for STEEL. Not Green.
>No idea who Steel is, so I'll let that one pass. But I'll just say
>that since I started voting, I've voted for <counts on fingers...>
>*six* different parties at various levels - so nyahhh!
think your vote matters, go to your local video store and rent "JFK".
Then go home and watch it about 3 times, then come back in here and
tell me that your vote really matters. Politics is all about money and
compromise. It doesn't matter who gets elected into the White House,
he/she will be told what to do by the CIA, the mob and the large
corporate sector of this nation, or he/she will die (or be compromised
in some way). Sad........but true.
ps. I don't vote, never have voted and never will.