I have been working on the problem over the past three days. using a ADSL
line (385) working with 33.6 modems and the best ive gotten was a game with
little lag using peer to peer. but I want to try the game with people who
have 56k connections, ISDN, ADSL or CABLE MODEM connections. email me with
1. go to: www.pagenet.com
2. go to: send page
3. location: san jose
4. pin number: 1282096
5. send your message letting me know when u want to play
I will be on Kali or we can set up times to test out faster than 33.6
connections. hopefully this information will help the guys working on the
next network patch to help us have fun.
hope to hear from u guys.
Bad Karma
>Has ne1 gotten NFS3 to work over the net? I have tried several times
>using diff options, ie tcpip and IPX, but it doenst work. I hear it
>plays good via direct modem games. Also the game does not seem to
>recongmize my mouse...I have to use the arrow keys