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One of the GeForce cards is the _safest_ bet.
The Radeon seems nice, but there's always the driver question when it comes
to ATI.
Watch the OEM stuff! You don't always get what you think you are getting!
Many OEM cards are cheaper because they are clocked slower or are missing
other features that the Retail cards have. Of course, the resellers hardly
ever bring this up.
Personally, I think the Hercules Geforce II GTS Pro is the best value card
out there right now.
Near Ultra performance for $200 or more less money.
> O.K. The proverbial question: What's the best bang-for-buck in video
> right now?
> Radeon DDR 32 meg? 64 meg?
> Geforce2
> GeforceMX
> Anyway, I know this has been asked 1 googolplex times (I vaguely remember
> asking the same thing before my Pure3D II purchase!!!) but I've grown very
> tired of the V3 in the box right now. I saw a Radeon on a P4 1.4 and
> wet myself (prolly a little more info than you needed)
> Thanks for the advice -
> Primary games: Heat and N4. GPL on occasion.
> 128mb
> Parke Cochran
> Talladega, AL
> "Big and Bold"
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