If anyone "flames you" for your post I will be "flaming" them back myself
(and I suspect a few others will join me). Your question(s) are straight
forward and you are clear about what you read/heard/saw as being
rumor/speculation, and so forth (IMHO). Thank you......for a refreshing
post about WSC......which are too few, and too far in-between.
To answer your question: The latest news I am aware of is on Eric Cote's
At least, this is the latest comprehensive and detailed information that I
have seen about WSC. Eric doesn't "date" his web pages or I
can't tell you when this information was posted on his site. My best
guess.....was about a month ago. There may be more updated information
available on various Forums (*High Gear* and *Sim Racing Mag* are the best
ones to watch for WSC development my opinion), but I have not
checked them in a couple might want to do that yourself along
with going to Eric's website and reading his WSC development progress update
as indicated above.
I am intentionally not summarizing Eric's article for you here. Sorry, but
even though I would not intentionally try to put my "spin" on his
information......editorializing is too easy to do. Eric's article already
has his "spin" on the information. There's no sense in layering that with
my "spin" on top of it, you know?
If you come across some new bit of information, could you come back and post
a link to it we can all go read it for ourselves as well? That
would be great!