> I heard about the Glide dll file and saw that CPR is $20 till the end of the
> year.
> [$20 mail in rebate] So I figured if it's got a glide "patch" and its only $20
> I'll give
> it try.I don't think it thats bad.Not like it was made out in this NG.Okay it's
> no
> GP2 or NFS2 SE but i like it.The graphics could have used the Glide API alot
> better but they are pretty good and it runs very nice on my p200mmx 64 EDO
> voodoo 1.As far as the game play and interface I feel it lives up to what it
> advertises.Its Cart racing,nothing more nothing less.If you know what cart
> racing
> is than some oval tracks shouldn't have come to a surprise to anyone.The camera
> views are decent and the options are more than adequate.I've had a lot worse
> crappy "sims" in my time.And believe me,I'm not a member of the microsoft fan
> club.Anyway TRI did the sim not microsoft.They only removed a little dll file
> from
> it the scumbags,but so is the ways of big time business.The AI in CPR need
> some street smarts but they're not that thick.I think CPR got a bad rap.
Ok, let me see :)) I'll go out on a limb here with a prediction. When
GPL hits the shelves, get it, and then tell us what you think of CPR!
Btw, what are you trying to say as reguards ovals. Do you think some
people don't like ovals???????? Go play on the ovals for a while and you
will discover that your car has a top speed beyond which it cannot go no
matter what the setup. Also you will find the AI so pitiful on ovals
that all things considered the game may as well been shipped without
ovals. CPR is a thing that does not even qualify as a game let alone a
sim and it deserves all the flack it gets!
I'll go out on another limb now :) As far as the MS/TRI thing goes,
we can see by the glide ommision who was controling the quality of this
product and also who deliberately released it prematurely for Xmas. We
can also see that TRI could not get away from MS quick enough. All blame
lies with MS for an absolute certainty. I'd say if TRI had total
control, the game might not have been released even now and may have
been a completely different story altogether. CPR has unfinished
masterpiece written all over it! But unfortunately an unfinished
masterpiece = a pile of junk!