3rd - Wales - ave -10.075
13th United Kingdom - ave +39.368
15th - Ireland - ave +41.516
16th - Scotland - ave +42.972
23rd - England - ave +62.917
No entries for the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man (whihc aren't
part of the UK, so can't go there).
Looks like the Welsh separatists are doing well, but the rump English
are having a nightmare (Brian). UK doing reasonably (at least I'm
helping them now I've improved!).
Hungary still lead from Slovenia, and at the bottom only Denmark's
average of over +100 keeps the US out of the ignominy of last spot.
(Damn. :-) )
David. (GPLRank handicap: +8.85)
"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)