I would like to know if this is really basically how the game is?
Or is something different in the real game.
I should start by saying that I really have had a load of fun with
GandTurismo. I play it at my nephew's all the time. So I was
interested in SCGT hoping it would be more or less the PC
equivalent. Over all I was pretty satisfied.
1) The sound is not as bad IMHO as some people have said.
So take the "reviews" in the NG with a grain of salt and check
it yourself.
2) Graphics (800x600 in GLIDE) are awesome. Period.
3) Physics? Well having never played GPL I certainly can't
make a comparison with the king. But they were *WAY*
better than some of the ***(Nascar REV and Official F1)
I have tried. The physics of this game will not keep me away.
4) I really tried it to check the Force Feedback. I have to admit
that I haven't read every SCGT post (I am mostly into modern
F1 sims) but I thought the FF was pretty bad. F1RS was certainly
way better in the FF effects. I only felt crashes and a worse
version of rumble strips and grass/sand bumps than I felt in
F1RS. The #1 thing I was disappointed in was the lack of inertia
or loss of wheel tension as the front tires lost grip. F1RS has
this (occasionally with the Logitech wheel and all the time with
the MS FF wheel).
Will I buy it? I don't know. I will probably play the demo a little
more and read some SCGT posts.
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cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com