Actually, I'm having some fun with this game. I'm a big fan of sims
and arcadish racers, as long as they make good use of my LWFF wheel,
and the experience is fun.
I picked up this game against my better judgement since the box said
zilch about force feedback. I got it home and installed it (it did
something weird to my DirectX installation, but no system problems
yet), and sighed when it started up-- NO FORCE FEEDBACK. Actually,
using a wheel, there is no sense of control whatsoever. Terrible.
THEN, I recognized the game for what it is. A console arcade game. I
took out the wheel and defined my microsoft sidewinder joypad. Fired
the game up again and it was actually fun! I could control the car
It's obvious to me that the game was designed for digital joypads. If
you take the game for what it is-- a $30 playstation game-- it's quite
a hoot.
Some good advice for people who want to give this game a try again--
Not that this title will hold my interest in the least once I get my
hands on a released Dirt Track Racing CD, but hey, it's a diversion
until then.