Online Race Sanctioning

Jason Hoeh

Online Race Sanctioning

by Jason Hoeh » Thu, 25 May 2000 04:00:00

Hey everyone,...

If you are are looking for drivers for your online racing series, or are
looking for a place to present your series, The Racing Line (TRL) is now
Sanctioning online race series and leagues...

We are currently sanctioning 4 seperate NASCAR3 series, and post non-points
scheduled races hosted by TRL members. We have nearly 150 members, ranging
in skill levels from ROOKIE thru PRO.

TRL is interested in Sanctioning a GPL or Nascar Trucks series.... If you
have a series you want promoted in any racing sim, TRL is the place for you.

Come on over to the site (which is of course, completely non-profit and
strictly for fun) and see if you like what we have to offer,..
Thanx a lot for your attention...

          `O^=-o>               The
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Racing Line -
      __  Online Racing Community
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