** TSP: Extinct Track Archive **

Marc J. Nelso

** TSP: Extinct Track Archive **

by Marc J. Nelso » Sat, 12 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Hi folks!

Just underway on a new project from TSP...The Extinct Track Archive
(ETA) will highlight famous North American tracks of yesterday!  The
tracks currently featured are Ontario Motor Speedway and Riverside
Int'l Raceway:

Stop on by for a look!  Comments and questions welcome.  =)


Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project -

* No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *

John Walla

** TSP: Extinct Track Archive **

by John Walla » Sat, 12 Sep 1998 04:00:00

You might want to think about a new title bud - I thought you were
talking about a track archive you had which was now extinct - not an
active archive of extinct tracks! :-)


Marc J. Nelso

** TSP: Extinct Track Archive **

by Marc J. Nelso » Sat, 12 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> You might want to think about a new title bud - I thought you were
> talking about a track archive you had which was now extinct - not an
> active archive of extinct tracks! :-)

Hmmm...Hadn't thought of that. I guess I could just delete the pages.<g>



Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project -

* No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *

Bruce Kennewel

** TSP: Extinct Track Archive **

by Bruce Kennewel » Sat, 12 Sep 1998 04:00:00

"Wonderful, exciting features! No pay me a million quid for using the
word "Track"!" (Bernie Ecclestone.)

"Oh boy!  I've been wanting to visit Extinct Track Archive for *SO*
long!! Does it speed up if its raining?" (Michael Schumacher)

"What is this 'ETA'?.....when the aeroplane is landing expectant?" (Alex

> Hi folks!

> Just underway on a new project from TSP...The Extinct Track Archive
> (ETA) will highlight famous North American tracks of yesterday!  The
> tracks currently featured are Ontario Motor Speedway and Riverside
> Int'l Raceway:

> Stop on by for a look!  Comments and questions welcome.  =)

> Cheers!

> Marc
> --
> Marc J. Nelson
> The Sim Project -

> * No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-
Jan Koh

** TSP: Extinct Track Archive **

by Jan Koh » Sun, 13 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I just want to know what the 'Exinct Track Archive' is...

After looking up 'exinct' in my Microsoft Word Thesaurus, it said that 'exinct' could be...

exhilarated - fervent or e***d.  So the 'Exhilarated Track Archive' could possibly a very e***d page.
        Now does this mean that the page is e***d, or the info?  Or that the viewer will be e***d?
        On further examination of the page, I decided that this must not be the proper term...
exhortative - compelling or demanding.  If this is the proper term, then a Warning should be posted on the      page to let viewers
know that the possible contents of the page could be beyond their       comprehension.  Given the state of many viewers on the internet,
it's possible that this could be
        a comic book.
exhumed - unearth or disclose.  With this put in place, 'The Exhumed Track Archive' may possibly be     posting information about
ancient Roman racetracks for chariot races.  I think this could be a    very likely explanation, given Marc's current age.  Or this
could mean it's just another mirror site        for the Monica-Clinton-Ken Star report...
exiguous - poor or inadequate.  If this is the meaning, shouldn't this be posted on AOL?
exiled - without a country or banished.  Now this could be interesting.  A track without a country?  This       could be the first hard
evidence of the Legend of Atlantis!  What a novel idea, to use racetracks       for the exposing of the real truth!  Question is, what
exactly did they race in Atlantis?  Basket-     Weavers 500?  The Peanut Growers 250?  And was it measured in leagues, or miles?  
exist (existing) - subsist or endure.  So this would be a rather boring page, then, with information about      current tracks? many of those do we have out there?
existing together - joined or related.  Now this is an interesting idea.  The Existing Together Tracks  Archive.  Possibly giving
rise to the notion of 'coexisting' or 'cohabitation'.  If so, this should best  be left to Southern Californians, and since Marc is
from there, this could very well explain the    possible connotations of tracks 'living together'.  Best left to those with NetNanny
to view this    page...however, if the term 'related' is used, then possibly an argument for backwoods Arkansas         residents?  Since
Talladega and Daytona are owned by the same owner, does this make them  'sister' tracks?  And could Watkins Glen be a 'brother'?
And what if Watkins Glen and Daytona    were related??  And had children?  The possibilities are endless...
exit ramp - interchange or off-ramp.  So this may be an argument for street racing!  To use existing    commercial roadways for
racetracks!  I believe this has already been done, and even a   movie..."The Cannonball Run" springs to mind...
exobiological - interplanetary or extraterrestrial.  So Marc has finally found the meaning of the 'face' on     Mars!!!!  Wow!  It's
actually the Saturn Tower for the annual Galactic 500!  Totally amazing!        Given the performance of Jeff Gordon this year, I would
say that he's actually an alien come to         teach earthlings the REAL meaning of racing...
exodus - flight or migration.  This must be a report on animals interacting with race cars, such as Dale        Earhardt's 'Seagull by
the Dashboard Lights', or Pocano's "I'm hunting Wabbit" affairs...
exonerated - vindicate or justify.  So this could possibly be another site for Clinton's Rebuttal's of the      Starr affair.  How does
that factor into tracks, though?  Possibly attempting to interest NASCAR        fans with actual political maneuvering?  Interesting
concept, although probably unsuccessful.        Everyone knows that Clinton cheats by using a blower...
exorbitant - extravagant or enormous.  A page about extravagant tracks?  Do they serve caviar on        crackers instead of hotdogs?  Or
glasses of '91 Merlot instead of beer?  Must be in France...
*** - not local or foreign.  Another argument for French tracks...
expanded - bloat or enlarge.  This could possibly be the most disgusting of all...a bloated track?  Or is it    just enlarged?  Did
they use a magazine article to advertise the enlargement?

Maybe Marc will enlighten us as to what 'exinct' actually means...I've exhausted my sources, that's for sure...



??Jan Kohl??        **The Pits Performance Team**
Computer Systems Programmer
USAF Air-Ground Operations School
Hurlburt Field, FL

Castle Graphics -
The Pits -

Marc J. Nelso

** TSP: Extinct Track Archive **

by Marc J. Nelso » Sun, 13 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> I just want to know what the 'Exinct Track Archive' is...


Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project -

* No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *

Bruce Kennewel

** TSP: Extinct Track Archive **

by Bruce Kennewel » Sun, 13 Sep 1998 04:00:00


> I just want to know what the 'Exinct Track Archive' is...

> After looking up 'exinct' in my Microsoft Word Thesaurus, it said that 'exinct' could be...

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-
Jan Koh

** TSP: Extinct Track Archive **

by Jan Koh » Sun, 13 Sep 1998 04:00:00

;]  Sorry, Marc, but I just couldn't resist a little fun poking at your expense...However, I would
be interested in a Exhumed Track Archive, think you could do a little number on that?  ;]



??Jan Kohl??        **The Pits Performance Team**
Computer Systems Programmer
USAF Air-Ground Operations School
Hurlburt Field, FL

Castle Graphics -
The Pits -

> > I just want to know what the 'Exinct Track Archive' is...

> Doh!

> --
> Marc J. Nelson
> The Sim Project -

> * No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail * is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.