I don't know the degrees, but if it were a clock, it stops about at 5 and
7 maybe a little less like 4:30 & 7:30
dave henrie
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Nope. 240 degrees is more like it.
- Igor -
> >Can someone tell me how many degrees of travel this wheel has? Is it the
> >full 270 like the original MOMO?
> Nope. 240 degrees is more like it.
> --
> - Igor -
About the same settings I came to after playing around with it. I was able
to d/l a few profiles but each had some bad qualities. Not sure if I even
like the FF in N2k2. Now GTR is a different story. Its pretty amazing what
theyve done with the FF and everything else in that mod. Im still tweaking
GTR to my liking but if you hear of any new Momo profiles for GTR let us
know ok ;) One other question, what kind of online play/matching servers
are available for GTR? Eldred have you tried GTR? wink wink :))
> > What settings are you all using in NR2002/Control Panel? I've been
> messing
> > with it since yesterday but am unable to find the *sweet spot*. Ive
> tried a
> > couple suggestions that included full strenght no damper but it causes
> odd
> > jerking down the straights. Any other suggesions?
> > Mitch
I guess it would be best to start playing after 7:30 then...
Todd Wasson
Performance Simulations
Drag Racing and Top Speed Prediction
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