> I downloaded the cars96 carset from the IWCARS page or whatever it is
> called(The one where Tony Johns is webmaster) and I am unable to access
> the garage at race weekends and Preseason testing when I use this carset.
> Could Tony Johns or somebody else please help me out as I like the carset
> but I have to be able to set up my car the way I want it.
You need the international version on the carsets, as you are in
There is a utility that converts the US sets for international use. You
can get it from The Pits. Choose whichever site is fastest for you:
US Mirror: ftp://ftp2.arc.net/ftp2/User/jkohl/files/uk2usv10.exe
UK Site: http://www.ukps.com/thepits/files/uk2usv10.exe
In the future, just get your carsets from the European IWCCCARS page
located at: http://www.netlink.co.uk/users/gavmof/
Emory University Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
Nascar Setups Page: http://userwww.service.emory.edu/~ebusch/
Hawaii Network UserName: Buschwick