98SE seems like a cool retro OS, which today im enjoying lol,
But i guess soon i will shift back to xp, but only when i work out how to
rip the guts out of it.
> Congrats on finding the little *** Paulinho!
> I had to eat my words late last night about the
> new 41.09's fixing my problems...
> Got another blue screen!
> Memory management, toothache, or some BS...
> Maybe I'll try some older 4in1's.
> I'm using 4.43s.
> So, is it back to XP?
> After all of my XP-bashing, I hate to admit
> that it's grown on me.
> 98SE seems archaic..... lol....
> Regards.........
> > Well after a day of taking off Windows XP, then re-installing 98se only
> > suffer from the same game freezes upon entering a game i redid all the
> > drivers only to find the one that was at fault was the VIA Hyperion 4in1
> > v4.45 ? i`ve gone back to the 4.40 as its stable under that.
> > Thought i would post and tell..... maybe its my computer but would be
> > interested to hear if anyone else has had this problem with these