GPL--I finaly found what?


GPL--I finaly found what?

by BigB » Fri, 10 Mar 2000 04:00:00

I have been waiting for my GPL to show up from ValueAmerica since
Sept.99.  It appears to be on terminal backorder.  So, I got the tip
from this ng to get it from Compuexpert online.  Also, got a free
Whiplash with it..all for $15.  I live in CA.

So, now that I have the full version, what patches do I need for GPL
and what web sites do you recommend to keep up with the info?

Also, I need to get a wheel.  However, since I am just using a computer
cart with a slide out keyboard tray, I need to get some sort of laptop
wheel. The tray is not stable enough to attach a wheel.  Are these kind
of wheels available?  Also, would a TV tray work maybe?  I have had the
TM Nascar Pro and Logitech FFB wheel in the past.  I liked the Logitech
very much but not the pedals.

Thanks for the help,

Sent via
Before you buy.

john moor

GPL--I finaly found what?

by john moor » Fri, 10 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Go here and read everything, use the cooper setups for a while
Get your fill of patches here
Go here to race online
Before you go online please read this
I have over 230 more GPL sites but that should get you going.
Immediately apply the 1.2 patch, and you know enuf about wheels
Have fun!

> I have been waiting for my GPL to show up from ValueAmerica since
> Sept.99.  It appears to be on terminal backorder.  So, I got the tip
> from this ng to get it from Compuexpert online.  Also, got a free
> Whiplash with it..all for $15.  I live in CA.

> So, now that I have the full version, what patches do I need for GPL
> and what web sites do you recommend to keep up with the info?

> Also, I need to get a wheel.  However, since I am just using a computer
> cart with a slide out keyboard tray, I need to get some sort of laptop
> wheel. The tray is not stable enough to attach a wheel.  Are these kind
> of wheels available?  Also, would a TV tray work maybe?  I have had the
> TM Nascar Pro and Logitech FFB wheel in the past.  I liked the Logitech
> very much but not the pedals.

> Thanks for the help,
> Brian

> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Skotty Flyn

GPL--I finaly found what?

by Skotty Flyn » Fri, 10 Mar 2000 04:00:00

>I have over 230 more GPL sites but that should get you going.
>Immediately apply the 1.2 patch, and you know enuf about wheels

Care to send me those 230 bookmarks---attached? :)
Don Scurlo

GPL--I finaly found what?

by Don Scurlo » Fri, 10 Mar 2000 04:00:00

As a TNT2 user I can't say if you need any patchs for your Voodoo. The Voodoo's
the card to have for gpl. I'm using a cable modem. I'm not sure how much,  if
any, better it is over regular dialup for racing online as a client. I'm sure
it's a major improvment for hosting. Online racing is where it's at, but I
suggest you do a bunch of offline practice first to get the hang of it.
One main thing to tune for is frame rate. You want a solid 36fps at all times
if possible as it effects your car control in a big way. Turn down your
graphics options as nessecary to get it. Read all the readme.txt files buried
in the game. Come back with specific questions when you have them.

Don Scurlock

Brett C. Camma

GPL--I finaly found what?

by Brett C. Camma » Fri, 10 Mar 2000 04:00:00

>Thanks for the help guys.
>Don, I have a Voodoo 3 3000, Celeron 300a O/C to 450, 128 megs ram, and
>a Soundblaster Live Platinum.  Anything, I might need to know in
>regards to hardware drivers or setups?  Also, I just recently got my
>DSL line.  Sports games have been like butter on it.  I am getting
>download speeds up to 100 KB a second.  How is the racing with a cable
>modem or DSL line?

I think we found ourselves another potential host for VROC races! <g>

If you're getting started with GPL, get hooked up with for
on-line racing and check out the F2 club!  They (Advanced Trainers or
Formula 2) are a great place to start getting your chops up in Formula
racing and the club members are a joy to race with.  Had a ball at the
Tuesday nite races and it was the Nurburgring, so, they MUST be a lot
of fun to race with, 'cause I HATE that place.

"It is NOT racing at the Nurburgring!  It is driving slowly on an
unfamiliar road where bad things keep happening to you every minute or
so..." - Me <g>

Brett C. Cammack
That's Racing! Motorsports
Pompano Beach, FL

Kirk Lan

GPL--I finaly found what?

by Kirk Lan » Sat, 11 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Website:  Almost everything you'll ever need.

Patches/stuff:  (All can be had/gotten to at/from the above)
    GPL 1.2 Patch
    WinVROC (for racing online)
    Depending on your video card, you may need patches for that (i.e. OpenGL
patches for some video cards...not to experienced there because I run
    Sound pack of your choice
    Setups (look under Links on The Pits for Alison Hine or Eagle Woman's
page...great beginner/intermediate setups, tho pros often go to something
with less understeer)

Really, the rest are just fun graphical type stuff (and if you use a 4MB
Rendition, don't get Stealth II S220 can't handle them, but my V2
    GPLEA Brabham and Ferrari
    Improved dashes
    Improved track graphics

Kirk Lane

ICQ: 28171652
BRT #187

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