Sept.99. It appears to be on terminal backorder. So, I got the tip
from this ng to get it from Compuexpert online. Also, got a free
Whiplash with it..all for $15. I live in CA.
So, now that I have the full version, what patches do I need for GPL
and what web sites do you recommend to keep up with the info?
Also, I need to get a wheel. However, since I am just using a computer
cart with a slide out keyboard tray, I need to get some sort of laptop
wheel. The tray is not stable enough to attach a wheel. Are these kind
of wheels available? Also, would a TV tray work maybe? I have had the
TM Nascar Pro and Logitech FFB wheel in the past. I liked the Logitech
very much but not the pedals.
Thanks for the help,
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Before you buy.