Anyone been practising their starts? This'll soon be rather important, and
I've been having a bit of fun practising down the last straight at
Monza... which would be a great location for some drag racing. I think we
could get four or five cars a*** there, possibly more on the
start/finish straight.
Anyway, it's essential to have the clutch configured to a button IMO for
fast starts... and I think anyone with the brake/pedal on the same axis
has a distinct disadvantage.
Andrew McP... wondering if using the external view for starts is cheating
or a very good idea to avoid massive pile ups. Those mirrors are good, and
the glance helps (if you've got enough buttons on your wheel to use them!)
but external essentially gives you back your peripheral vision.
Maybe there should be an option in online racing that disables F10 to
level the playing field? Dunno.