> >nd in tasking resources to that, they must either pull resources off other
> >things, like extra features, or further delay release. The latter costs
> >money. Everything is a tradeoff. To continue to support a near-extinct
> >(except in this ng) API and card doesn't seem logical from a business point
> >of
> >view.
> >Further, if it wasn't for Papyrus' support of Rredline, probably most of you
> >would have already replaced this card. Holding on to this legacy card has
> >and
> >will limit your performance in other non-Rredline sims. All it does is keep
> >your short-term costs down (no small issue for many of you I realize). My
> >conclusion: if no other developer of the games you and I like supports
> >Rendition, Papy is probably doing you a long-term favor by dropping support,
> >forcing you to get with the program and buy a TNT or future all-in-one 3dfx
> >card (V2's will sooner or later be obsolete and performance-limiting).
> That's heracy. Just be warned!! Go get your TNT's.u Go get your 3dfx's. Go
> get what other 3d card out there. Just be warned that when rendition releases
> their next generation card, many of you will jump back on board the rendition
> bandwagon, just like you did with 3dfx and TNT. Just be warned.
> And just be warned that I have no idea of what I'm talking about. And drink
> beer.