However, there will also be an online downloadable version of the game
[don't know the dates] that will contain the full functionality, except no
AI riders, and somewhat smaller textures [to save download time] that you
could try before you buy.
However, you should note that multiplayer for the game will be handled
solely through Motorsims' pay-to-play proprietary network which is in a way
very similiar to TEN.
> Hi,
> Just curious if anyone has it yet.
> I called motorsims today & they were really nice.
> I can't remember the name but he told me that while I could order it
> over the phone < $45 + shipping> That the trucks were in route to
> babbages etc. So perhaps I would be better served to save a few bucks & get
> it
> probably Friday locally.
> I am really looking forward to this sim ;-)
> Mike
> > Hi,
> > Just curious if anyone has it yet. [...]
We wanted to have a demo version out this week but it didn't work out. We're
working on a bunch of online-related issues and since the demo version is a
subset of the online version, there was some impact there.
In the next week or so we'll be announcing our first prize-bearing online
event too.
Mark S. Miller "Be regular and orderly in your life,
Director of Design that you may be *** and original
Motorsport Simulations in your work."
On Wed, 22 Sep 1999 16:16:24 GMT, "Mark S. Miller"
>It "should" be on the shelves at Babbages and EB today (Weds 9/22) ... these
>stores did in fact drive down to the kitting facility and pick up the stock.
>CompUSA and others shoukd have it by Friday. Also note that if you're an AMA
>member you can order direct at a discounted price.
>We wanted to have a demo version out this week but it didn't work out. We're
>working on a bunch of online-related issues and since the demo version is a
>subset of the online version, there was some impact there.
>In the next week or so we'll be announcing our first prize-bearing online
>event too.
> -MSM
>Mark S. Miller "Be regular and orderly in your life,
>Director of Design that you may be *** and original
>Motorsport Simulations in your work."
Sorry, but no to both.
Harley wouldn't grant us a license for bizarre reasons. Which sucked because
we had the bike modelled and sampled and everything. We hope that in time
they will come to see the error of their ways. ;-)
Phoenix is owned by ISC (which also owns Daytona) and we couldn't come to
financially agreeable licensing terms for their tracks.
As with Harley, we haven't given up, we'll continue to try to come to terms
that make sense. If Harley comes back to us and says "go" we can have the
bike back in the game with a couple of days.
Mark S. Miller "Be regular and orderly in your life,
Director of Design that you may be *** and original
Motorsport Simulations in your work."
On Wed, 22 Sep 1999 22:20:39 GMT, "Mark S. Miller"
>Sorry, but no to both.
>Harley wouldn't grant us a license for bizarre reasons. Which sucked because
>we had the bike modelled and sampled and everything. We hope that in time
>they will come to see the error of their ways. ;-)
>Phoenix is owned by ISC (which also owns Daytona) and we couldn't come to
>financially agreeable licensing terms for their tracks.
>As with Harley, we haven't given up, we'll continue to try to come to terms
>that make sense. If Harley comes back to us and says "go" we can have the
>bike back in the game with a couple of days.
> -MSM
>Mark S. Miller "Be regular and orderly in your life,
>Director of Design that you may be *** and original
>Motorsport Simulations in your work."
Sorry but this one might not have been ready for primetime,
> Sorry, but no to both.
> Harley wouldn't grant us a license for bizarre reasons. Which sucked
> we had the bike modelled and sampled and everything. We hope that in time
> they will come to see the error of their ways. ;-)
> Phoenix is owned by ISC (which also owns Daytona) and we couldn't come to
> financially agreeable licensing terms for their tracks.
> As with Harley, we haven't given up, we'll continue to try to come to
> that make sense. If Harley comes back to us and says "go" we can have the
> bike back in the game with a couple of days.
> -MSM
> --
> __________________________________________________________________________
> Mark S. Miller "Be regular and orderly in your life,
> Director of Design that you may be *** and original
> Motorsport Simulations in your work."
> Sorry but this one might not have been ready for primetime,
> Norm
> > > Will AMA include Phoenix and/or the HD VR1000. The only track I get
> > > to and the bike I hope will someday run up front. Probably still want
> > > it without either though.
> > Sorry, but no to both.
> > Harley wouldn't grant us a license for bizarre reasons. Which sucked
> because
> > we had the bike modelled and sampled and everything. We hope that in time
> > they will come to see the error of their ways. ;-)
> > Phoenix is owned by ISC (which also owns Daytona) and we couldn't come to
> > financially agreeable licensing terms for their tracks.
> > As with Harley, we haven't given up, we'll continue to try to come to
> terms
> > that make sense. If Harley comes back to us and says "go" we can have the
> > bike back in the game with a couple of days.
> > -MSM
> > --
> > __________________________________________________________________________
> > Mark S. Miller "Be regular and orderly in your life,
> > Director of Design that you may be *** and original
> > Motorsport Simulations in your work."
> >
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There will be a patch available on the transmitter very soon which should
address most of the collision problems.
Our release date had zilcho to do with GP500. Seriously.
Don't expect to see us go away anytime soon either. Trust me (or don't) ...
ain't no one more aware of the rough edges than our development staff.
Mark S. Miller "Be regular and orderly in your life,
Director of Design that you may be *** and original
Motorsport Simulations in your work."