TIR: Installed and configured (i.e. removing the deadzone and such) -
10PM. Won first race by 5 seconds per lap over the AI on Legend
difficulty - 10:10 PM. Off of harddrive - 10:15 PM. Not a bad game,
don't get me wrong, but it needs a patch in a bad way. Without
tweaking the default .DAT files it's impossible to lock the brakes
unless you do something like driving to the apex in 5th gear, put the
b rakes down all the way and quick downshift to 2nd, and even then who
cares, the car never breaks traction. Overall it feels like an ISI
game with physics parameters that need some serious tuning. I'll give
it another go if/when some decent patches are made for it.
RSC: Rally Masters with better controls and graphics. Not amazing or
anything, but I got what I expected. Hood cam is ok to drive from,
and the grip model isn't too bad. Feels decent on tarmac, and seems
to really dig in on soft surfaces, I've had some nice moments in the
mud trying to ease the car up a hill without spinning the rear wheels.
Still a sim-lite for all intents and purposes, probably about on par
with RM and RT. Certainly a mile ahead of CMR2 in all areas.