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You're doing better than I am right now, and I have "High Speed" Cable (or
so they say on the bill when I pay it each month)...
> >If you race online against full fields (with cars drawn ahead down low)
> >theres barely a hit at all.
> >AIs another matter, but ai is not and never will be real people.
> But for the people who are still without the availability of broadband,
> online racing, or online anything, is sketchy at best. He has a 33.6K
> and I have a 56k modem. Our online racing experiences are quite
> different from yours.
> >> Hi ya,
> >> been playing the demo and can get an average 30fps with no other
> >> with a (don't laugh it's very sad system) PII 266, 128 meg ram, TNT M64
> >> card.
> >> Is there a performance difference between demo and full, and whats
> >> happen when I ad 20-40 cars.
> >> Cheers
> >> Dave
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