>> I have it but it won't work with my AWE32. I installed it with the
>> VGA+ and VESA+ switches, then ran CBENCH and VIDSPEED with great
>> results. Major increase in video speed BUT when I run it with GP2,
>> Nascar or ICR2 it locks up my machine as soon as those games try to
>> play sound/music! I setup GP2 _without_ sound just to try it and sure
>> enough it worked! Same thing with Nascar & ICR2, when I setup with no
>> sound from those games S3SPDUP works great. I can't figure out why it
>> has a conflict with my SB-AWE32. It's set for standard settings.
>> Any HELP?
>> Thanx,
>> Sal V.
> Yes, I have the same problem with my old SBPro compatible
> Aztech soundcard. If someone could help, please mail me ...
> Greetings, Mark
the past with other games and utilities causing lockup. I have been
told by creative labs that the newest drivers can help solve this
problem. They can be downloaded from Creatives ftp site. I havent
tried personally because I only use that machine for bookkeeping and
music secquencing.