> >What part of that don't you understand?
> Did you not read the interview with Hyperstim (it's linked through
> that interview with WSC)? They never said FFB has no
> place in their future. They just don't feel it is quite ready for
> prime time. Maybe in a year or so.
I made it very clear that my reply was to
John Crooke's comments. I have no problem with
anything Steven Teear said. Maybe you didn't
pick up on that? I'm not surprised.
You are apparently the one who cannot comprehend that
which he reads. In the Teehar interview you mention,
he says it will be 18 months to two years before
they might introduce force feedback. Not "maybe in
a year or so". Where did you get that?
Tell me what is constructive about:
F1F: Well for argument's sake, what sim do you
feel has the best force feedback?
JC: None of them
CW: We're going to give it a go. But we've got every
force feedback wheel and [quickly glances at John]
JC: [dirty look at Chris]
I take the "dirty look" to indicate Crooke's
utter contempt for every force feedback wheel
in existence.
Crooke has made the same sort of negative comments
here in R.A.S., along with Trevor from TSW. If
these guys can't deliver FF that suits their
standards, then fine, but they should stop
insulting everyone's intelligence by saying that
current force feedback technology is worthless.
You need it more than I do, pal.
Pat Dotson