: Anyone using the TSW? What do you think...I am seriously contemplating
: ordering one if they are as good as they say. I just want to make
: sure...every dollar counts when your in college ;).
: Ryan
: --
: Ryan Snodgrass
: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
I ordered a TSW Deluxe in November when it was first announced. I love it.
I wanted a wheel I felt would last a lifetime, the TSW will do this.
I personally did not trust the T2 because everyone I found in the store on
display was broken. You could leave the same TSW in the store for a year, and
it would not ever break.
| _____ | Troy Juenemann | Heather Juenemann | |
| \_/__|__\____ | AIX DCE/DFS Admin | Special Projects | ASCII |
| | _ 66 _ | | IBM, Boulder, CO | Hughes, Aurora, CO | Horse |
| Nascar2 Team | http://www.frii.com/~horspowr | Dressage |