Nascar 2 and IWCCCARS

John Strosi

Nascar 2 and IWCCCARS

by John Strosi » Sun, 20 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I recently downloaded the wc98-005.exe file using Netscape Comm. (I held
shift down).

When I went to execute the file, a window popped up saying "This program
requires Microsoft Windows".  I'm using win95 through all of this.

Any ideas??


John  S.


Nascar 2 and IWCCCARS

by J.. » Mon, 21 Sep 1998 04:00:00

On Sat, 19 Sep 1998 19:04:16 -0500, John Strosin

>I recently downloaded the wc98-005.exe file using Netscape Comm. (I held
>shift down).

>When I went to execute the file, a window popped up saying "This program
>requires Microsoft Windows".  I'm using win95 through all of this.

>Any ideas??

For some reason, they are having a problem with Netscape.  Follow
their instructions and hold down the left shift key when you click on
the file to download.  Should work.  However, having said that, I
recently downloaded wc98-005 also and I ended up using Internet
Explorer to get it.

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