> >That's an interesting suggestion. The other option would be to use
> >traction differences to bog the car down so bably that the route through
> >the escape road would be less than profitable for cheaters. A trip
> >across the grass will show you that there are varying traction levels in
> >the game already. Perhaps there are just two levels - grass and
> >asphalt?
> There's way more than that. Pretty much every surface has a slightly
> different grip value. (Even the painted lines differ slightly from the
> concrete or asphalt next to them...) This gave me no end of amu***t
> when I discovered this little tidbit (a few weeks after starting at
> Papyrus) It was then that I realized just how serious this was... :-)
> The only problem is that reducing the grip doesn't really fix it, as
> you don't need much grip at all to shoot straight through the
> "shortcut."
> ---Jim Sokoloff, Papyrus