> >This is total bull$#!+, Eldred -- and anyone who even tries to say that
> >WSC is merely an update to WSB, or that it's really only "WSB.5" is
> >even more full of $$#!+. Even in its current warez form, WSC is THE
> >most complete, most technically-accurate simulator we've ever seen --
> >it far surpasses GPL, and at this point, I would almost rank it right
> >up there with "Trans Am Racing: 1967-1972" (yes, the WSC warez version
> >I've played really is THAT good!).
> WSB.5?!? Try WSB.1. Man, it's not even CLOSE. And the fact that you
> rank it with that TAR 'thingy' shows that you don't have a CLUE. I don't
> have it on my system anymore - so THERE!
> >Call me a blasphemer, but I have to totally disagree with you on this
> >one, Eldred.
> You're a blasphemer...
> >Your GPL rank sucks, too -- I'm MUCH closer to the bottom of the list
> >than you are, further proving that I'm more of an expert on mediocrity
> >than you could ever hope to be!
> Maybe, but how LONG have you been there? I've been there since GPLRank
> started(almost), which means I've had more PRACTICE being mediocre...
> Eldred
> --
> Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
> Homepage - http://www.racesimcentral.net/~epickett
> GPL hcp. +69.95
> Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats
> with experience...
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